Choose one of the 4 types of juice to drink in the morning, when you wake up, it will surely bring you smooth white skin, natural pink.
1. Lemon juice
The habit of drinking lemonade in the morning will help the skin shiny and smooth.
After each night of sleep and wake up, tissues in the body are dehydrated but contain many toxins. Therefore, it needs to be supplied with water, remove toxins, rejuvenate cells.
2. Lemon juice and honey
Lemon juice contains substances that help neutralize acids in the body and also work to remove toxins from the body overnight. Not only that, lemon juice is also the perfect choice for people with dental problems, as it will improve breathing and help gums healthier.
For women, the habit of drinking lemonade in the morning will help skin shiny, much smoother, healthier and more beautiful naturally.
Lemon juice dilutes in warm water, helps the body absorb vitamin C quickly, increases resistance and refreshes, and the acids in lemon filter excess fat in the blood, clearing sediments in the system. digestive system.
Meanwhile, honey disinfects mouth and throat, reduces the effect of acid in lemon on stomach.
Drinking a glass of warm lemon water half an hour before breakfast every day will help your body healthy, your skin looks much brighter. If you drink lemonade and honey every day, you won’t need whitening creams
3. Vegetable juice
A glass of vegetable juice every morning will provide the body with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, help it work better and increase resistance.
Moreover, vegetable juice also helps the body to excrete toxins, increase the skin’s ability to restore and regenerate, reduce fat, …
4. Cabbage juice
Because in addition to vitamin C, green cabbage contains beta carotene which is highly effective in keeping the skin youthful, so this juice is quite useful for skin beauty.
Overall, owning a smooth and clear skin like baby skin is not too difficult.
4 Fruit Juices You Should Drink In The Morning